1. I used to blog when I first became a mom & did so for a while. I made an intentional choice to stop after my daughter was born. The fun was gone, it was a lot of work, & it was taking time away from my family. I’m grateful for the experiences I got from it (good & bad) but I don’t ever want to get to that place again.
2. I am not one of those people who loves to work out. Do those kind of people exist?? I love the benefits of it, I love it when I’m done, I love how my muscles feel once I’ve pushed them to be better. But, I rarely wake up excited to get in a workout.
3. I am in a fitness slump. This is probably my longest one in 2 years. I didn’t realize how much I had emotionally invested in my gym & when that went away, the light faded on how excited I am to workout. I need the gym, I need the people, I need to get out of my house, I need to workout away from my kids (cause let’s be real, I end up being a jungle gym while doing planks & that makes me want to jump off a bridge. #RealTalk y’all.)
4. I have a really weird left foot. Anyone who has known me long time or grown up with me will know this. I was really insecure about it when I was teenager, but I have a really cool story about why I got over it. And yes, I used to have people who were mean to me about it. But guess what??? When you own the things that make you feel bad about yourself then no one else can hold it against you & then they stop. A hard but valuable lesson to learn.
5. Todd goes to bed late & I typically go to bed 2-3 hours before he does. It does depend on the night, but I am a much happier human being when I’m in bed & asleep before 10. But I do have a tendency to get sucked into Instagram & whatever book I’m reading, it’s hard to put either of them down!
6. I don’t eat asparagus. I used to, but back in 2014 my fam came down with a violent stomach bug. And let’s just say, asparagus was the last thing I ate for dinner the night before I got sick & I have NEVER eaten it again. I’ve tried but get sick every time I smell it. Blugh.
7. Meal planning & unloading the dishwasher are my least favorite responsibilities. I love that I have kids who I can put in charge of putting the dishes away. Ha! Too bad I can’t pass off the meal planning!
8. My house has a lot of empty walls & it looks like we just moved in. And we bought this house 3, almost 4 years ago. It’s just not something I’m good at. I will go in to a home store with a list of projects to make the house look how I want, will get sooo overwhelmed & then leave. I can pick out paint, finishes, floors, etc. But decorating it & making it feel like “ours” is not a skill set I have taken the time to develop. That being said, I finally made some purchases in the last few weeks to get up on the walls & I’m excited to see how it looks (a mirror, some shelves I’m going to build & some artwork.) I’m trying!
9. I can eat blackberries by the carton & treat them like a bag of candy. I absolutely love them!
10. I do not like to spend money. It’s a huge trigger for me & it can be a good thing (yay, no debt!) but also a bad thing. I have a tendency to scale back on things I want to do because I’m too scared to part with the money- probably 99% of the reason why my house isn’t decorated. Ha! An example of how it was good for us is when we scaled back on how much house we wanted to buy & we went much much smaller than we had ever intended. I was proud of us for making a good economical choice that worked for our family. But sometimes, it also makes me scale back on the things I want to go big on, like family experiences. I have to work really hard to make sure I’m not making financial decisions out of fear, but out of respect for living within our means. It’s all a balance!
Hope you learned something new & I’d love to know some random facts or quirks about you!
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