6:20 AM: My alarm goes off. I probably hit snooze at least once, if not twice. I like for my feet to hit the floor by 6:40-50 because it makes it all easier for the entire family if I’m the first one up. Our mornings go smoother for getting the kids to school when I’m not dragging!
Breakfast 1: I grab a banana or a protein bar & chug a huge glass of water (usually 20 oz) before I take the kids to school. And I brush my teeth!
Breakfast 2: Here’s where I’m going to start to sound like a Hobbit (nerd alert) with all my different meals, but this is my most favorite meal of the day. There are so many different options & I love that I can choose between sweet or savory or even go wild & do both. I love heating up my water for my tea in the morning. And then sitting down with my devotional & planner to map out my morning while I enjoy whatever deliciousness I’ve chosen for the day.
8:30-9:30 AM: This is typically when I squeeze in a workout. I always have the most energy in the morning, S is always at his happiest & I’m fully motivated to get the job done. If I’m not lifting weights at home, then this is where he & I will go for a run, hike or a bike ride (weather depending of course.) I will work on drinking another 20-32 oz of water during & after my workout.
As soon as my workout is done I like to take a quick shower & wash my face plus I use my Hydration Serum.Skin care is health & wellness too!
10:00 AM: I try to get in a daily pickup, do the dishes, start a load of laundry & fold any laundry that needs done. I have recently started a daily chore list for myself where I focus on a few daily chores in the morning & then have a weekly chore system for different areas of the house. We’ll see how it works! If I like it, I’ll share it!
Errands: We will also go run errands in the morning, cause let’s be real. Three year olds just do better in the morning & if I can avoid going out with all 3 of them I will. Ha!
11:30 AM/12 PM: We typically eat lunch at home. S requests chicken nuggets & broccoli almost every day. And I try to make myself something with lean protein & lots of greens! I also make sure I drink another 20-32 oz of water with lunch!
1-3 PM Nap time for S: He’s starting to outgrow his naps, but I still require a rest time. I also take time for myself during the day. I used to feel guilty about it, but then realized that I am allowed a break. I put my phone on do not disturb & will usually read.
3 PM: Kids are home for school! I consider this a second shift of the day. It’s time for snack, putting down whatever is distracting me & hear about their day. Sometimes we have friends over but this is usually time dedicated to coming down from a long day.
3:30 PM: Snack for me. I eat carrots & cucumber with hummus. Or a bowl of roasted broccoli. I will also get in another 20-32 oz of water.
4 PM: Video games & TV off. The kids can read, color, or play outside. I usually start cooking dinner at 4 (my least favorite part of the day. Ha!)
5 PM: I’m finishing up dinner & the kids start a living room & kitchen pick up. (Please keep in mind they are kids, so none of this is effortless on my part. There’s a lot of threatening going on. LOL!) If we have any sports or dance, then the kids also start getting ready for their activity.
6 PM: Whoever is home & not at an extracurricular, eats. We do a family dinner most nights & we go over our favorite part of the day. No phones, no TV, no electronics. This is dedicated family time. And you guessed it, I drink more water!
7 PM: Kids start getting ready for bed with showers, teeth brushing, book reading, etc. Typing it out makes it all seem so easy, but see the note from 5 PM. none of this is simple.
7:30-8 PM: Prayers & bedtime.
8-10 PM: Quiet time for Todd & me. FALSE. The kids turn into “dehydrated philosophers” as Todd likes to say. They have all things to say & need all the water. But in all seriousness, they are usually asleep between 8-8:30. There’s usually someone who gets up because they’re scared, can’t sleep or need the bathroom.
9:00 PM: Wash face, brush teeth, heat up some Chamomile tea, book time & lights out for me about an hour later.
12 AM: I’m usually asleep by now, but Todd tells me that our youngest has a nightly waking time of 11 PM- 12 AM, where he cries for one of us & goes back to bed.
12 AM- 6AM: The kids have been up & down all night since the daylight savings time change. And we’ve had at least one, if not 2 of them in bed with us. It’s wearing me out! But this is the reality of parenthood & I don’t want to paint an always pretty picture. 🙂
It’s always easy to type up and/or read a daily schedule than it is to actually live it. There are days where I have things absolutely blow up in my face & I can’t do anything right. Or everything I wanted to do for the day doesn’t happen because I had to take care of other things I wasn’t expecting. Other days, I completely slay the day. Ironically, the day I typed this article was not one of those days. It was 1 PM before I ever changed out of pajamas. So there’s some real & honest truth for you.
What does your daily schedule look like? I’d love to know!
*The Rodan + Fields links are product I personally use while working to not have adult acne. It’s always an uphill battle. Good news is, I can fight acne & get anti-aging results to keep my skin healthy from sun damage & aging all at the same time. These were never priorities to me until a few years ago & I really believe in taking care of my skin. The links to go to my personal store, but only because I believe in them. If you have any questions, I’d love to answer them!
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